Monday, February 28, 2011

The Day Baby Fat Man Arrived

 It was the summer of 2010 and Baby Fat Man was on his way into the world. I stayed with my Mumsy, Popsicle and siblings while we waited for The Girl named Todd (my sister) to have Baby Fat Man. The Girl named Todd was excited about Baby Fat Man entering the world and of course she was convinced at one point that Baby Fat Man was never coming out!

While Baby Fat Man was comfortably nestled inside we'd feel Todd's belly and wait for Baby Fat Man to kick. I was fascinated whenever he'd kick my hand!

Baby Fat Man entered the world a few days fashionably late, but had good reason to, because he was having a bit of trouble escaping, so they cut Todd open and pulled Baby Fat Man out.

While the girl named Todd was in recovery we went and seen Baby Fat Man for the very first time. He was tiny and so adorable.
After seeing Baby Fat Man we went home for supper and then came back. When we did, Todd was in her room comfortable and still numb, but she was happy to have Baby Fat Man in her arms.

The End

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