Monday, February 21, 2011

The Hot Fudge Sundae Baby

Baby Fat Man loves hot fudge sundaes, and not just ANY kind, but the UDF kind (United Dairy Farmers).
His Mma (Grandma) would share them with him because he was yet to little to use a spoon by himself. So they took turns having bites of the delicious Hot Fudge Sundae. Whenever it was Mma's turn Baby Fat Man would start to fuss and go after the cup and bite on the side of the cup.

He would get Hot Fudge sauce all over his face. 
When he got too dirty the hot fudge sundae was taken away and he'd fuss and cry until he had one more bite!


Once Baby Fat Man had his Hot Fudge Sundae he was happy again!

The End