Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Day Dell Died

Let's start out by saying, I am a computer nerd. I don't deny it cause I know it's true. Most of the time you can find me on Lappy (my Netbook, yes it has a name) or my husband's computer which, I fixed up and made it awesome! How did I make it awesome you ask? Well, I upgraded it to windows 7 and got a new graphics card, which was intended for my "Dell", but sadly I couldn't have used the card for it even if I wanted to. How did Dell die? Painfully by the pins for the processor getting bent. I know Dell was five years old, but he still worked and I loved him dearly. We have so many years of memories together and I must mourn him here.

Dell was getting a new case to be switched over since I had too little room for his extra hard drive, so like any good computer nerd, I thought I'd treat him to extra room and more storage space for his hard drives. Sadly, the case didn't work out as planned since, it was a custom made one for customized made mother boards and all that good stuff. Everything was stripped out to the last screw. My brother Cheese Pappas as my Mother and I call him, tried to help me, but he kept telling me it was not going to work. I said, I was stubborn and was gonna MAKE it work. I tried that, but I knew eventually he was right, I just didn't want to hear I was wrong.

After I finally realized it wasn't going to work, I put all the parts and belts back in as it should have been.
Took it down to my room and plugged it in to see if my Dear Old Dell, had died from the Processor pins being bent. And when I plugged it in, and turned on the switch I bid it a farewell.

         That was it, Dellio was gone and I was powerless to stop it. If I decided to bring him back I'd have to buy a new processor and that's not gonna happen since it's an dinosaur to the computer world and a new one would probably cost me about $200 to get a new one, so figured there was no point in doing that. I will just build a new one and in the mean time, I'm using my husbands and it's awesome now.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures...They are cute, and funny:) I love the story as well lol
