Saturday, March 26, 2011

Janeane The Cat Lady

This is Janeane.

Janeane is the biggest cat lady you could imagine.

This is her cat Mustard.

Janeane lover her cat so much she knits outfits for Mustard.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Haunted Trailer

When Marjorie was younger she lived in a small trailer with her family. She always said it was haunted or at least something was "there". Her Mumsy, tried to convince her that there was nothing there in the dark, that wasn't there during the day. Marjorie tried to accept this fact, but knew Mumsy couldn't be right about that. Marjorie would be in her room, with the light on while everyone was sleeping, she was scared of what was in there with her.

So she'd get her pillow and blanket and run out to the living room to sleep on the couch, shutting the door behind her.

Once settled in on the couch, Marjorie would turn on the tv and fall asleep quickly. She was quite tired and worn out from being scared.

This continued for quite a few years. Until one night when she was waking up on the couch, she saw a little ghost boy, sitting on the chair just smiling at her. This was much different the then hooded man she had felt. She didn't feel scared of the little boy ghost at all. After she realized what she was looking at he disappeared.

The next morning Marjorie told her Mumsy what she had seen, and her Mumsy thought perhaps she was dreaming, but she wasn't. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Meet the Nue-Nue Heads: Artie Gene Jr. Steals A Cookie

Story and pictures by: Me

After school one day, Artie Gene Jr. was craving a crunchy chocolate snack. His Mother advised him not to get into the cookies before dinner, but as soon as his Mother walked into another room, Artie Gene Jr. grabbed a chair, so he could stand on it, and get a cookie out of the cookie jar.

Artie Gene Jr. was successful at stealing a cookie. 
Once he stole the cookie, he put the chair back and ate his entire cookie.
His Mother then noticed the chocolate around his mouth. He forgot to 
clean himself up. She was angry and grounded him for a week.

Artie Gene Jr. for the rest of that week didn't touch a cookie. He learned his
lesson, but knew he had to be much wiser next time he stole cookies.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meet The Nue-Nue Heads

Story and pictures by: Me

Pearl and Artie Nue-Nue Head are regular people like you and me, only they are a bit 
shorter, and a little strange. They live in a very small house, about a block from the Foodie 

Pearl does all her grocery shopping on Monday mornings while her husband Artie fixes things around the house. Pearl loves double coupons and 1/2 off price days. The Nue-Nue Heads love Pork Chops and have them quite often for dinner. 

Pearl and Artie have two children, Artie Gene Jr. (AR-JAY) and Loreda (RED).


 AR-Jay is twelve years old and loves to eat cookies, and sneaks a few from his mother's cookie jar before dinner. He wants to be a Scientist when he grows up. He does experiments with his Science kit, and they don't always go too well. In fact they have blow up in his face. AR-Jay, of course wears his safety goggles, and wears his lab coat. His parents are quite proud of him.

Red is your ordinary eight year old little girl. She loves her dolls and kitty named Tabatha The Tabby. She often dresses Tabatha The Tabby up in her dolls clothes. She throws tea parties and Beary Beary Bear is always there to attend. Tabatha The Tabby will often pounce on Beary Beary Bear, so Red has to ask Tabatha The Tabby to leave the Tea Parties. 

Tabatha The Tabby hates it when she's dressed up. You gotta watch yourself or she will get under your feet and trip you. Sometimes if you catch her, she'll be laughing to herself while you're on the floor. 

The Nue-Nue Heads are a pretty happy family, and they hope you will be patient for their story to unfold on your screen. So come back soon.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Three Dumb Ideas That Sells

First off, I must say the first idea that I have seen that sells like crazy is the Snuggie. Granted it's the dumbest idea, but sometimes dumb ideas sell better than Chicken Nuggets from McDonald's. I have no clue if it really does, but just go along with it. The first question I ask is... Why does this stupid thing sell, when it's the gayest thing since Lance Bass came out of the closet? Probably because it looks comfy and warm, (whatever) you can get the same effect from a blanket wrapped around you. When I think of the Snuggie I think of Yuppy Snobs who are paid way more than they really should be. You know the kind that eats at fancy restaurants, who has a cell phone glued to their ear when their driving. The ones who thinks Walmart and Goodwill is for the poor who makes less than 50k a year, who also thinks if they don't buy name brand crap, they'll just die being a fashion victim? Oh and of course the ones who gets their nails and toes done while bringing little dogs with them. Yep, that'd be them. If you haven't guess already I am an Anti-Yuppy, cause they SUCK! Anyways, my point to this is, that it's stupid. People have invented better crap and never got it on the shelves, instead they take a gay piece of cloth with arms and say HEY, Look now buy a blanket with the arms on it and you'll be warm all the time. Buy a robe instead their better and most likely cheaper! Only difference is the length and it's not backwards.

Now I must ask, what is even gayer than the Snuggy or What the F*** blanket or as 30 Rock calls it (The Slanket)? The friggen Hoodie Footie. Same creators even dumber idea. What is it to me? Just a Grown up version of a babies sleeper for adults with a hood attached to it. It sells and yet again, it's retarded! Ya think these creators were smoking some kind of nasty crack preferably butt when they invented this genius idea?
Yeah, I think so too!

Now we move on to the one that REALLY makes me sit there with my mouth open, eyes wide with the dumbest expression on my face. Well, that's what I looked like when I seen the commercial for the first time for this simply stupid idea. The No-Touch Hand Soap. Has Lysol gone insane? Do they not know what gets back onto your hands after you wash them AFTER you turn the water off? Germs you Anti-Germ freaks.. GERMS! *smacks forehead* DUH! Let me give you a demonstration of this genius idea to show you exactly what I mean.

Now next time you go shopping and decide hey, I want one cause I have a coupon or something, think again! The No-Touch Hand Soap is just an easy way for you to pay $15 for something that is really pointless. You can get a 6 pack of soap for $3 at the dollar store, wash your hands in that AND STILL, get the same effect by putting your clean hands on the germie faucet knobs. 

This concludes my blog. It was fun! Until next time, later.