Monday, March 21, 2011

The Haunted Trailer

When Marjorie was younger she lived in a small trailer with her family. She always said it was haunted or at least something was "there". Her Mumsy, tried to convince her that there was nothing there in the dark, that wasn't there during the day. Marjorie tried to accept this fact, but knew Mumsy couldn't be right about that. Marjorie would be in her room, with the light on while everyone was sleeping, she was scared of what was in there with her.

So she'd get her pillow and blanket and run out to the living room to sleep on the couch, shutting the door behind her.

Once settled in on the couch, Marjorie would turn on the tv and fall asleep quickly. She was quite tired and worn out from being scared.

This continued for quite a few years. Until one night when she was waking up on the couch, she saw a little ghost boy, sitting on the chair just smiling at her. This was much different the then hooded man she had felt. She didn't feel scared of the little boy ghost at all. After she realized what she was looking at he disappeared.

The next morning Marjorie told her Mumsy what she had seen, and her Mumsy thought perhaps she was dreaming, but she wasn't. 

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