It was the first warm day of spring, when Sidney and Sarah decided to go out and play in their sandbox.
They were having a lot of fun, until the clouds came out, and it started to rain.
So they went in to play dolls.
They got bored quickly, and their big sister Sophie noticed, so
she asked them if they'd like to hear a scary story.
They nodded their heads and so they sat down to listen.
Once upon a time lived the Hinkle Monster.
He was a scary black shadow with, razor sharp fingers and teeth.
His eyes were a piercing red color.He lived in the closet, waiting for little girls
to go to sleep, so he could come out to scratch and bite them in their sleep.
As Sophie was telling the story, a flash of lighting could be seen threw the window, and
a loud booming thunder was heard overhead.
Sidney and Sarah screamed and ran to their bedroom and hid under their blankets.
While under their blanket they wondered if the Hinkle Monster was real.
It was bedtime when the storm finally passed.
Their mother tucked them into bed and kissed them good night,
then turned out the lights.
Sidney and Sarah, then remembered the scary story from earlier, and got scared.
They wondered if the Hinkle Monster was gonna be in their close tonight.
They couldn't fight staying awake anymore, so they
finally fell asleep. They felt scared shutting their eyes,
cause they thought Hinkle Monster was gonna bite and scratch them.
But they finally went to sleep.
The next morning, they got up ate their breakfast and asked their
sister Sophie if Hinkle Monster was really real?
Then what Sophie showed them scared them so bad they started to cry.
She had bite marks on her arms and scratches on her face.
Then Sophie started laughing at them. The girls stopped crying.
Sophie then licked her finger and ran it across the bite and scratch marks, and showed
them it was just Halloween make-up.
Sidney and Sarah started to laugh and then ran and told their mother
what Sophie had done and did.
Sophie was grounded for three weeks, and wished she hadn't told them
a scary story.